Captain America: Civil War - 26 WTF Moments

15. Is This Just An Audi Advert?

Captain America Civil War Cap Black Panther
Marvel Studios

The foot race through the streets that sees Cap chase Black Panther chasing Bucky is another stunning set-piece that is brilliantly directed and really captures the tension of the situation. When T'Challa eventually tap-tackles Bucky's bike you really feel the cost after taking every blow on the tarmac.

The only thing that distracts is the fact that the chase is also populated by entirely pointless european security forces, all driving immaculate Audis that are lovingly captured on screen. Nobody wants to get sued for under-representing the brand partners now, do they?

Product placement is fine and to be expected, but why exactly would Audi want their cars to be shown outpaced by three men on foot (two of whom are 90 years old at least)? Nobody's going to look at that and decide on the spot they need an Audi in their life.

The way Cap disembarks from his crashing car is a thing of unbridled beauty though. It's like Daniel Craig jumping onto a demolishing train in Skyfall and fixing his cufflinks.


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