Captain America: Civil War - 26 WTF Moments

13. This Is Literally The Plot Of Universal Soldiers Now

Captain America Civil War Bucky Sebastian Stan.jpg

A soldier is "killed in action", frozen and then awoken with a wiped memory, only to be forced into a shady government cyborg soldier unit where he starts recovering patches of his memory of being a nice guy. At the same time, fellow "recruits" go bad, because they're fundamentally bad eggs and try to kill everyone, including those in charge of the programme.

That is literally the plot of Universal Soldier and Bucky's arc through The Winter Soldier and Civil War. Like, it's not even subtle how similar they are.

Thankfully, the misdirection with Zemo and the revelation of his personal tie to the Avengers means we didn't have to endure a superfluous, extended fight scene between all of the super soldiers.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.