Captain America: Civil War - 26 WTF Moments

18. Vision = Data

Vision Captain America Civil War
Marvel Studios

The Vision's current arc is an interesting one: on the one hand, his struggle to be human (or at least to deal with the fact that he's hopelessly chained to the human condition) is compelling, but on the other it means we have to see him wearing a sweater and making paprikash.

The whole Vision as comic relief thing is all a bit unnecessary in Civil War: he's effectively just like Data from Star Trek when his emotion chip is turned on. And when it boils down even further, he's a teenager struggling with a ball of emotions who particularly can't deal with catching some serious feelings for the witch in the tiny skirt. We've all been there.

That's actually all well and good - aside from the silly humour - but the real problem, and the grandest insult comes when it turns out


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