Captain America: Civil War – 8 Big Things We Learned From The Russo’s Facebook Q&A

The directors had a lot to say.

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There's so, so many questions we all have about Captain America: Civil War, and while we only have to wait a month for answers, that feels like a painfully long time.

So, thankfully, Directors Joe and Anthony Russo recently took to Facebook to shed some light on some of the biggest fan queries about their directorial process and the film's development. The result is quite an interesting video, with the directors explaining what an average day on set is like and really getting across their fan credentials.

But, of course, you came for one thing and one thing only - Civil War scoops. And this video gave us a fair few few clues to what we can expect from the film. Let's get to it.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.