Captain America: Civil War – 8 Big Things We Learned From The Russo’s Facebook Q&A

7.It Took A Long Time To Decide Who Was On Whose Team

Captain America Civil War Team Iron Man

Before the trailer campaign kicked in, the biggest debate amongst fans was who was going to fight on which team, with a plethora of theories as to how the battle lines would be dawn. Turns out it wasn't just the fans debating.According to Anthony, that was a major part of the development process and took into account a wide variety of factors:

"We spent months and months while we were developing the film in a room with Markus and McFeely, the writers, and the producers at Marvel just talking over and over again what the various combinations could be. Who would go where, what their motivations would be, what the most fun things to do is, how could we surprise ourselves, how could we surprise the audience by which side people could choose."

Thanks to the trailerswe know how the lines are drawn, and it all makes a lot of basic sense - most of The Avengers are with Cap, while Team Iron Man are those from a less fight-y background - yet there's clearly an awful lot more to it than that. I guess that's what happens when you have twelve movies of backstory to deal with (take note, DC).

From the sounds of it, this long development will help the film in other ways - as Anthony later said, this allowed them "to explore the characters on a lot of levels."


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.