Captain America: Civil War - 8 Ways It Could Set Up The Infinity War

7. Thor Comes Back With A Warning

In Avengers: Age of Ultron, Thor was somewhat cryptically informed - via the visions imposed on him by Scarlet Witch and his experience in the mystical Norn pool in that weird deleted cave scene - about the events that would unfold in the upcoming Thor: Ragnarok movie. He left Earth as a result and also vowed to find out what was going on with the Infinity Stones, after four of them emerged in quick succession. Between then and the upcoming Captain America: Civil War event, Thor may well learn about Thanos' plans and return to Earth at the end of the Civil War movie to inform his fellow Avengers about what's coming - perhaps he could even put a stop to the in-fighting between Captain America and Iron Man's teams in the process. Granted, Chris Hemsworth isn't scheduled to appear in Captain America: Civil War, but the scene could be filmed at the last minute in secret, or his scenes might have been filmed during Age of Ultron filming. Either way, Thor could easily lay the platform for the Infinity War during the Civil War event.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.