Captain America: Civil War - 8 Ways It Could Set Up The Infinity War

1. Thanos

The Mad Titan Thanos has appeared in scenes in the credits of every Avengers movie to date. With Captain America: Civil War effectively being Avengers 2.5, there's every chance he could appear in the credits of that as well. If Captain America: Civil War ends with the two teams still having not kissed and made up, Thanos might be watching from afar and noticing that Earth is at its most vulnerable. He has been warned by The Other in the mid-credits scene of 2012's The Avengers that humans aren't to be messed with, but given that Earth's mightiest heroes are divided and more concerned with fighting themselves, he might announce his intentions to head there to acquire the Infinity Stone (or Infinity Stones, if this movie unearths another one) being kept there in Vision's head. Captain America: Civil War is the last time the Avengers will be on screen together before they face off against Thanos in the Infinity War movies - it makes sense that he would announce his intentions to battle them before it's over. How do you think Captain America: Civil War will link to the Avengers: Infinity War movies? Was Chris Evans bluffing when he said it would? Have your say in the comments section below.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.