Captain America: Civil War Plot - 12 Hints Kevin Feige Has Already Given
7. It Tonally Fits Ant-Man (At Least In Parts)
Amongst the Extra Features on Ant-Man, Feige revealed the reason behind using the shot from Civil War as a post-credits stinger for Ant-Man:
"As fate would have it, the Russos had directed that scene in a similar fashion to the way Peyton had done 'Ant-Man.' I said 'Holy moly, this would be awesome. This could be the tag of the movie.'"
Of course he's the kind of person who says "holy moly". That's quite the revelation: Ant-Man was significantly difficult to the rest of the MCU in terms of tone, and there's nothing in The Winter Soldier that suggests the Russos ever had that in mind for Cap and Bucky's story. But then they do have a lot of previous with comedy film-making, so maybe a lighter tone (despite the weightier material) won't be mishandled or misplaced. So can we expect to see goofier versions of the MCU's more serious figures? Probably not, but it was always going to be hard not to see some tonal shift with the introduction of this guy...