Captain America: Civil War - Ranking The Characters By Screen Time

3. Bucky Barnes

After he was the antagonist in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Civil War will see Bucky Barnes shrugging off the effects of his brainwashing at the hands of HYDRA. He'll be one of the movie's focal points, as his friend Captain America tries to protect him, while Iron Man and Black Panther et al look to bring him to justice for the crimes he committed under HYDRA's control (including the murder of Tony Stark's parents). At the same time, that friendship with Cap will also need to be redeveloped and Barnes will be looking to prove to the world that his acts as the Winter Soldier were beyond his control. He'll have some extremely emotional scenes and some epic action scenes to boot, meaning he'll only be behind the movie's two team leaders in terms of the amount of screen time he's given.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.