Captain America: Civil War Trailer - 9 Things We Want To See

9. Dissension In The Ranks

Since we know that Captain America: Civil War will see an ideological conflict between Tony Stark and Steve Rogers reach critical mass, it was assumed that Avengers: Age Of Ultron would sow the seeds of mistrust and antagonism between Captain America and Iron Man to prepare the casual audience for the point where they come to blows. The assumption went further: Stark€™s unilateral decisions led to Ultron, so that would provide a framework of guilt and shame that might lead him to pursue greater accountability for superhumans; meanwhile, Rogers is on record as distrusting that kind of decision-making when it was Nick Fury making them. Instead, the wrap-up to the film saw the two men part on good terms. There appears to be no sea change in Stark€™s attitude €“ no guilt, shame or desire to redress the wrongs he€™s inadvertently responsible for, just yet another selfish decision to retire from the front lines. Equally, there€™s no recrimination on Cap€™s part for Stark€™s involvement in the creation of Ultron and his responsibility for the threat they€™ve just ended: instead, Rogers is content in putting together his new S.H.I.E.L.D. affiliated base and managing his Diet Avengers team. He says he€™s €œhome€. How they get from that to the two friends coming to blows - to Stark becoming the figurehead for a repressive political act and to Captain America opposing him with force - is something that has yet to be made clear, and we could do with an indication of that in the trailer to make some sense of how and why it comes about.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.