Captain America Civil War Writers Want Namor And Marvel Zombies In The MCU
Someone please give them what they want.

What better way to celebrate the impending North American release of CaptainAmerica: Civil War than to let fancy and imagination run wild and start picking fantasy future MCUmovies? After Fandango polled the fans yesterdayand discovered that the majority would pay to see a Black Widow solo movie, The Hollywood Reporter has now asked the Civil War writers which movies they'd most like to see down the line in a Marvel movie.
Their answers prove exactly why they're as heartily valued as they are.
SteveMcFeely went for a cult fan favourite:
"Namor. He is kind of a jerk and has a chip on his shoulder and he is a king and lives underwater. The degree of difficulty is so high, though. Cause it could be a great movie or it could be truly terrible."
Little dig at Aquaman there too? Of course not. Chris Markus meanwhile went with an even more popular cult favourite, which has signficantly less chance, unless Kevin Feige decides to drop his "no unnecessary darkness"manifesto:
"I think it would be cool to make a Marvel Zombies movie but that would require a whole other wing or, at least, another dimension."
Imagine that. In reality a Marvel Netflix TVshow that spins the MCUoff into another dimension for Marvel Zombies would probably be the best choice for that project: it would allow a degree of separation from Feige's lighter vision and Netflix's lesser censorship issues would mean we'd get to see a pure adaptation that wasn't clipped of its grimmer moments for film audiences.
We can but hope.
At this stage, you'd probably give McFeely and Markus whatever they want: they've so far overseen three excellent Captain America scripts, with complexity and depth that you don't usually get to see in blockbusters that aren't mired in too dark a tone. And with Infinity War next up for them, they're pretty much as important to the MCUas The Russos and our Lord Kevin Feige himself.
Would you like to see Namor and Marvel Zombies as future Marvel movies? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.