Captain America: Ranking Every Movie From Worst To Best

1. Captain America: Civil War

Captain America Civil War Cap V Iron Man
Marvel Studios

Taking the massive team-up idea of The Avengers, the notion of accountability of Avengers: Age Of Ultron and the paranoia plot of The Winter Soldier, while still firmly rooting the character in his origins from The First Avenger, Civil War is the culmination of all the previous Captain America films (and, once you factor in the expansive cast, pretty much every other movie in the MCU too). And yet, while much of the underlying character interplay is building on what was seeded in earlier blockbusters, there's enough internal justification for the film to operate by itself.

It's that careful balance of pleasing die-hard fans, casuals and newcomers, with a deft mix of character weight and massive spectacle, that makes Captain America: Civil War as close to perfect as a comic book movie can be.

Being an Avengers movie in all but name, there's naturally a lot of characters juggled, but while Spider-Man may be the stand-out and Bucky and Tony Stark part of the central trio, there's no doubt this is Captain America's show. His conflict over doing what is necessary and standing by his friends drives the story and sees Steve pushed more than ever before (and, by extension, brings out Evans' best performance).

I've already raved about the film, and will no doubt rave some more in the coming weeks, but the ultimate point is this - Civil War isn't just the best Captain America film, but the rest Marvel film, period.

What's your favourite Captain America movie? Let us know your ranking down in the comments.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.