Captain Marvel Reviews: 10 Early Reactions You Need To See

6. Talos Is A Surprisingly Strong Villain

Captain Marvel Talos
Marvel Studios
"Mendelsohn's Talos will be a surprise to Marvel comics die-hards, but a welcome one – he's a far cry from a traditional MCU villain, but what he lacks in deviousness he makes up for in a genuinely charming sense of humor. He doesn't quite fall in line with other recent villains like Zemo with his devious plot and tragic past or Vulture with his take-no-prisoners family loyalty, but he's cut from a very similar cloth with motivations that stem from complicated, surprisingly nuanced places and give him a real depth of character." - IGN
"It’s a good thing that the Skrulls are more than meets the eye, because their leader — Talos — is asked to shoulder most of the film’s emotional burden. Giving the best performance in a movie that relies on its excellent cast to compensate for its empty characters, the ever-reliable Ben Mendelsohn elevates Talos into a genuine menace, first in his reptilian form and then as a Ben Mendelsohn-looking body snatcher once Carol escapes from his clutches and crashlands into Los Angeles circa 1995." - IndieWire

One of the biggest surprises from the reviews is the fair level of praise for Ben Mendelsohn's villain Talos.

Though the marketing has massively downplayed the nature of his role, he's apparently a much more substantial fixture than he seems, and true to form, Mendelsohn gives an absolute banger of a performance.

Though he's Hollywood's current go-to for hammy bad guys, the early reviews suggest that Talos is more nuanced and interesting than your typical Marvel baddie.

And so, it once again appears that Marvel's much complained about "villain problem" is slowly becoming a thing of the past.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.