Captain Marvel Vs Wonder Woman: Which Is Better?

11. The Hero

Wonder Woman 2961251
Warner Bros.

Now, this is a toughie. Both films are ground-breaking works for their respective franchises in revolving around iconic female superheroes, so there was plenty at stake for each movie to get their protagonists right.

Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) undeniably benefited from being introduced in Batman V Superman, though Wonder Woman is her true coming-out party, with a strong character-driven focus. Gadot isn't the best actress in the world, but she's well-cast in the part and knocks the physical stuff out of the park.

Brie Larson landing the role of Carol Danvers is meanwhile a totally inspired spot of casting on paper, given her immense, Oscar-winning talents and evident suitability for the part.

Larson certainly brings the necessary charm to the table, though she also feels more blatantly underserved by the sometimes wonky material.

WINNER: Wonder Woman gives audiences an incredibly strong sense of who its titular hero is, whereas Captain Marvel feels decidedly messier and unsure of itself.

They're both fish-outta-water tales, but Wonder Woman did a much better job of creating a badass origin story for a hero who also happens to be likeable without it coming off particularly forced.

With a better script and stronger filmmakers, though, Larson probably could've steamrolled this category.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.