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hellboy_1161025357.jpgClick on each highlighted link for more info... Stranger than Fiction co-stars Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson will lead the romantic drama Last Chance Harvey that's being setup at Overture Films. Joel Thompkins is directing from his own script which was written with Hoffman and Thompson in mind for the main characters. Scary movie star Anna Faris is toplining an untitled college campus movie, where she will play an Ex-Playboy bunny who moves into the lamest sorority on campus to help make the girls more popular. The comedy was written by the team behind Legally Blonde. Hellboy 2: The Golden Army updates....
John Hurt will be back in a cameo Rupert Evans WON'T be returning as John Myers Universal has NOT authorized a brief Kroenen cameo/ epilogue- yet. Johann will be played by John Alexander (body) and Thomas Kretschmann (voice). Dougie will play 4 characters. Brian Steele will play 4 characters. Anna Walton is the actress playing Princess Nuala. Luke Goss plays Prince Nuada. Silverlance. Roy Dotrice plays King Balor.
Some of that Hellboy casting news we knew already but most we didn't. You can see all this news on the most up-to-date Hellboy 2 page on the Internet by clicking HERE.

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.