Chinese New Year: 10 Amazing Chinese Movies

7. Eat Drink Man Woman

eat drink man woman Ang Lee is probably the most celebrated Chinese director for Western audiences. Unlike a Tsui Hark or a John Woo, Lee€™s sensibility was able to translate to western terms. That is probably due to the fact that he was trained as a filmmaker in America. His films runs the gambit of genres from his take on the wu xia film, €œCrouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon€, €œSense and Sensibility€ and the CGI epic €œLife of Pi€. But his most celebrated film is the emotional drama, €œBrokeback Mountain€ and that is where his strengths lie. That is clearly evident if you go back to Lee€™s earliest works in China especially the wonderful €œEat Drink Man Woman€. The central conceit of €œEat Drink Man Woman€ is the emotional relationships centered on food. From two generations, a chef contemplating retirement and his three daughters struggling with relationship issues gives a dynamic look on both modern Taiwanese life and the universal idea of relationships and generational struggles. Lee masterly combines romance, drama and comedy with really poignant looks at these three sisters. Their characterization is so dynamic and unique that it€™s hard not to fall under the trapping and joy of being with this family despite all their flaws. This was later remade into the Spanish themed €œTortilla Soup€.
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A film lover and college student who dreams of one day doing this professionally.