Christopher Nolan's Interstellar: 10 Things You Need To Know

8. Time Travel

Time-Travel Let's complicate things some more, shall we? And this is where the idea for the actual movie comes in, because there's a whole bunch of science-fiction movies concepts laying wait in Thorne's concept alone. And that wormhole-based concept of his takes ideas from Einstein's "theory of relativity" (you've heard of it at least, right?) and something called the "twins paradox." In the most basic terms possible, the twins paradox denotes that a man travelling the universe at the speed of light for a short time would return to Earth to find that thousands of years have gone by. Thorne wrote an article called "Is Time Travel Allowed" that went into far more detail, but it basically wondered: if a man takes one end of a wormhole in his ship, can he create a time machine?

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