Christopher Nolan's Interstellar: 10 Things You Need To Know

9. Wormholes

wormhole If you've ever overheard anybody talking about Stephen Hawking or, more likely, seen Donnie Darko, you'll already have a vague notion of what a wormhole is. And Interstellar is all about wormholes, so even having an inch of knowledge on these mind-boggling space portals is sure to help you navigate what promises to be a very complicated movie. Wormholes are otherwise known as "Einstein-Rosen Bridges," and are "theoretical shortcuts through space." The basic premise of a wormhole denotes that you could potentially use it to travel huge distances instantly. Think of it like the teleporter from The Fly - you go into one pod and come out of another. Except hopefully without any bizarre DNA mix-ups.

All-round pop culture obsessive.