Christopher Walken: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

2. Kangaroo Jack - Salvatore 'Sal' Maggio

kangaroo Seemingly not having enough of working with fake animals (or playing them in the case of Puss In Boots), Walken signed up for the cinematic masterpiece that is Kangaroo Jack, where he could test his acting talents against a CGI kangaroo. Walken stars as Sal, a mobster who tries to kill his stepson and annoying best friend after they loose a kangaroo in the Australian dessert. To make things even more distressing, the talented Michael Shannon also stars as one of Sal's henchmen. The shame! Obviously Walken needs to eat and pay bills, and you cannot guarantee that great scripts are always going to come your way. So can we judge him for starring alongside this badly animated, hoodie-wearing marsupial? Now we've acknowledged that it's happened let it be forgotten and lets all move on.

Student. Generally obsessed with all things film, television and pop music. Worshiper of John Waters, Stock-Aitken-Waterman, and awful Madonna films. You can find me on Twitter at @AndrewSMcArthur.