Colin Firth: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

And 5 Performances That Sucked...

5. Harry - Mamma Mia!

This was a worldwide smash at the box office. Audiences around the world love it. People sing along to it. Dance to it. When it's finished (after its never ending closing credits sequence) they play it again. This is a 'fun' film that people love. And it's rubbish. If I wanted to see people singing and dancing badly but, you know, having fun, I'd take a camcorder to the next wedding I go to and watch that ad nauseum. I can find nothing positive in a film which centres on a woman who doesn't know who the father of her daughter is (hey, it could be one of THREE men) but we're supposed to take her to our hearts. If people like ABBA so much, they should stick on the CD and close the door. To make matters worse, Colin Firth phones in a performance so one dimensional that it's almost insulting. This is the man who brought depth to the romantic lead in Bridget Jones's Diary and yet his performance as Harry Bright, a gay English banker, is the hellish flipside of his A Single Man performance. The only reason he doesn't steal the 'worst singer' plaudits is because Pierce Brosnan got in there before him and hacked When All Is Said And Done to death. Firth is poor in a bad film and just to prove how bad it is, during the Dancing Queen 'sing-a-long' Julie Walters sprained her ankle so, how do they cover that when the cast run down a hill? They cover the replacements face with a towel. I kid you not. This film is not solely Firth's fault, but I lay a lot of it at his feet for agreeing to it in the first place.

Suit. Wine. Sport. Stirred. Not shaken. Done. Writer at, and