Comic-Con 2015: 10 Movie Announcements That Would Make It The Best Ever

10. Justice League... Assemble!

When Warner Bros. announced their DC Comics movie slate, two Justice League movies were confirmed and referred to at the time as "Part One" and "Part Two". That obviously means that Zack Snyder is planning on telling some sort of massive two-part story similar in scale to what Marvel Studios are doing with 2018 and 2019's Avengers: Infinity War epic. As well as bringing out the entire cast of the Justice League movie on stage in Hall H, an official cast photo showing the team assembled would quite possibly break the internet. However, an even more exciting announcement would be to reveal the titles of each movie. On paper, that obviously sounds a lot less exciting than a photo of the Justice League actors in costume, but just like "Dawn Of Justice" made it clear that Batman V Superman would deal with more than just those two heroes coming to blows, Justice League being given a subtitle along the lines of "Darkseid War" would help clear up their plans and really get fans talking. With rumours swirling about Marvel Studios deciding not to host a Hall H panel, 2015 is Warner Bros.' chance to steal the show, and this might just be the best way to do it...
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SDCC 2015
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