Creed Is As Good As The Original Rocky (And Here's Why)

2. The Fights Are Seriously Inventive

Creed has more fight scenes in it than any other Rocky movie, but whereas in the later sequels each boxing match became a boss level, with a clear villain to defeat and little purpose beyond giving a bit of action - by III their cathartic nature had been completely side-lined - Coogler doesn't fall into that trap and instead gets inventive; not only does he ensure each fight serves a purpose, he advances them with clear, filmmaking development. The first is a stylistic throwback to the opening of the original Rocky, with Creed fighting unofficially in Tijuana bars just as Rocky brawled in the hidden depths of Philly. The second boasts an incredible long take that goes from the build up of the fight all the way through the rounds to the match's conclusion, circling the combatants as punches fly every-which-way and trainers dive in to give encouragement. A showcase of incredible fight choreography and the actors' physicality, nothing is left to be saved in the edit. It's the final Heavyweight challenge that really excels, however. Expertly constructed on every conceivable filmmaking level, there's a visceral thrill to the fight that comes together to create a jaw-dropping finale - the big showstopping moment (you can hear the audience hold their breath) is on a level of perfection alongside the final minutes of Rocky.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.