Crimson Peak: 8 Reasons 2015's Biggest "Horror" Is A Massive Disappointment

4. There's Some Glaring Continuity Errors

One of the worst things to comment on when discussing a big budget release is basic filmmaking slip-ups - whether down to a messy production or an assumption that people won't notice, it means a movie has failed on a very fundamental level. It was a big problem with Fant4stic - terrible sound mixing, shoddy CGI and Kate Mara's magic wig - and while Crimson Peak doesn't come anywhere close to that, there's too many prevalent mistakes in here to not mention. In the early, America-set scenes, at multiple points there's clearly two separate takes edited together - in an over-the-shoulder shot Mia Wasikowska talks without opening her mouth and during the dance Charlie Hunnam's Dr. Alan McMichael manages to teleport next to Edith's Dad in the space of a single cut - and while things are better when we get to England, it's the sort of basic structural mistake that a film of this level from a talented filmmaker, particularly one whose reputation is built on its visual style, shouldn't be making.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.