Damn You, Bill Murray

The third GHOSTBUSTERS film is getting made because Bill Murray is now a soulless, money-grubbing dipshit.

There have been recent rumblings about production starting soon on a third GHOSTBUSTERS film. In the last week or so, Harold Ramis dropped big plot bombs in an effort to excite the fanbase. The biggest news to fans was the inclusion of Bill Murray in the upcoming and unnecessary sequel. Finally running out of money, Bill? ghostbusters11 The third film would have been released years ago had it not been for Murray's stonewalling any possibility of the film being made with him in it. At the time, Murray was a huge, bankable star riding the glorious waves created by critical smashes like GROUNDHOG DAY. He didn't need GHOSTBUSTERS like it sorely needed him ... so it went unmade. And we were all better for the lack. Murray was, for many years, my favorite comedian. Despite his casually nasty screen persona, Murray had that intangible something that made everyone love him. Perhaps it was his lumpy, unusual face. Or perhaps it was his endearingly hung-dog slouching. Or maybe it was his laser-like comic timing. Who knows for sure. Whatever the reason, Murray created an enviable string of hits following his release from Saturday Night Live; his post-SNL success might be second only to Eddie Murphy, another former comedian gone sour. His early work in CADDYSHACK and STRIPES is iconic. His perfect performance in GHOSTBUSTERS probably rescued what was, on paper, a pretty silly movie. His performance in KINGPIN is, in my mind, one of the greatest single comedic performances ever created. And in his later years, he has created gems like GROUNDHOG DAY and the underrated WHAT ABOUT BOB. But something has changed in the guy. Rumor always pegged him as a pompous asshole, but lately we've seen the cynicism and selfishness reveal itself in less flattering ways. Few in the media will forget his nastiness after losing the Oscar for LOST IN TRANSLATION, publicly showing his displeasure for losing what he considered his deserved award. But it's his recent acquiescing to this GHOSTBUSTERS nonsense that wrinkles my panties a little bit. For years Murray stood firmly against any involvement in the sequel. The second movie was embarrassing shit, he rightly reasoned, and so that should effectively end the franchise. So why are we seeing him sign on the dotted line now? Is it the fact that the film roles have dried up in recent years? Is it a lack of money? Has he lost a valuable part of his mind? We know it's not the script or the idea. This is a money-grab flick all the way; it is a dead and decaying franchise hoping for one more whirl on the cash carousel. They've decided to resurrect it with one of the oldest plays in the book: older mentors teach a new generation of ghostbusters ... YAWN. There is absolutely no reason for Murray to suddenly feel creatively energized by this new film, unless he is being paid an enormous sum of money for the cameo. And for that, I'm sad. Murray was always one of my favorite comedic actors, someone who had the chops to cross over into dramatic territory. Now he has slandered those former achievements with this pathetically worthless endeavor, one that will, in all probability, embarrass him more than it will help him. He's lost all credibility by giving in to the beast.


All you need to know is that I love movies and baseball. I write about both on a temporary medium known as the Internet. Twitter: @rayderousse or @unfilteredlens1 Go St. Louis Cardinals! www.stlcardinalbaseball.com