Dan Aykroyd: 5 Awesome Performances & 5 That Sucked

1. Yogi Bear - Yogi Bear (2010)

Yogi Bear
Warner Bros.

I was willing to forgive Aykroyd for his various walk on parts and his annoying association with Adam Sandler films (in which he played the same character multiple times). I was even willing to forgive him for The Blues Brothers 2000, which a lot of people simply aren't, but I absolutely draw the line at his association with Yogi Bear.

It's almost like he looked at the travesty that was Bill Murray's work on the Garfield movies and decided that not only could he do better at ruining his legacy, he would do so in a way that made it impossible to forgive him.

Yogi Bear would have been fine with an impersonator doing the voice, given that it was clearly aimed at the child of childish audience who don't care for intellect or jokes of substance (or success). Instead, they called in an all-star vocal cast to be utterly swallowed up in an awful script, and Aykroyd basically sounds like he's doing a terrible impression of Yogi all the way through the dull as dishwater plot. Hardly one for the ages.

How would you rank Dan Aykroyd's best and worst films? Offer your suggestions below in the comments thread.


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