Daniel Craig: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

1. Master Kane - A Kid In King Arthur€™s Court

The tagline for this nuts-and-bolts timeshift comedy, in which a young LA nerd falls into a chasm following an earthquake and ends up in 6th century England, is €˜Joust do it€™. That should set alarm bells ringing, but if you€™re still minded to watch this rusting, clunking heap of fantasy-adventure guff-by-the-numbers then you should make sure you keep tabs on your insulin levels throughout: it€™s a sugary, wafer-thin bit of nothingy nonsense. Craig tries manfully to inject a bit of actorly seriousface into proceedings, but all he really succeeds in doing is point up how absurd the whole thing is with his earnest protestations of love for an equally melodramatic Kate Winslet. It€™s not self-aware enough to carry all the forsooth-ye-gods-hey-nonny-no stuff which it loads onto itself. On top of that, everyone in 6th century England apparently had beautifully blow-dried hair. Yes, it was the early 90s. No, that doesn€™t make it alright. This is another early-career curio and was just his second film appearance, but it's really not an appearance worth making excuses for. It's trash, and from the cheap sets to the awkward way everyone seems to be holding the script's horrible, stilted dialogue at arm's length even while saying it, it feels every inch like it knows it too.

Holding midfielder; can get forward. Decent engine.