Daniel Craig: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked
5 Awesome Performances...
5. Joe - Enduring Love
An odd, intense little film about the fall-out surrounding a bloke falling out of a balloon basket to a deeply unfortante, splattery death. Craig plays Joe, a bystander who gets dragged into a strange, turbulent mental battle with Jed, another witness to the accident, who loses his marbles a bit and starts stalking Joe. Lumbered with both a psychotic Welshman and his own feelings of culpability, Joe starts unspooling at alarming speed. Its an impressive thing to manage to communicate the distress, confusion, anger and paranoia Joe feels once Jed starts getting hot and heavy with him while simultaneously trying to give a bit of balance to Rhys Ifans uber-intense performance as the aforementioned unhinged homewrecker. It's an example of the parallel career Craig was carving himself as a romantic but emotionally vexed leading man, alongside doing the brutal punch-a-thons and crime capers - Enduring Love appeared in the same year as Layer Cake, and it's a fair bet that it's this arena into which he might escape post-Bond.