Daniel Craig: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

5 Awesome Performances...

5. Joe - Enduring Love

An odd, intense little film about the fall-out surrounding a bloke falling out of a balloon basket to a deeply unfortante, splattery death. Craig plays Joe, a bystander who gets dragged into a strange, turbulent mental battle with Jed, another witness to the accident, who loses his marbles a bit and starts stalking Joe. Lumbered with both a psychotic Welshman and his own feelings of culpability, Joe starts unspooling at alarming speed. It€™s an impressive thing to manage to communicate the distress, confusion, anger and paranoia Joe feels once Jed starts getting hot and heavy with him while simultaneously trying to give a bit of balance to Rhys Ifans€™ uber-intense performance as the aforementioned unhinged homewrecker. It's an example of the parallel career Craig was carving himself as a romantic but emotionally vexed leading man, alongside doing the brutal punch-a-thons and crime capers - Enduring Love appeared in the same year as Layer Cake, and it's a fair bet that it's this arena into which he might escape post-Bond.

Holding midfielder; can get forward. Decent engine.