David Lynch: Ranking His Movies From Worst To Best

1. Blue Velvet (1986)


It€™s commonly known that you should always write about what you know, and in the case of Lynch, knowing that beyond suburban idyllic landscapes there lies a sinister criminal underworld is something he claims he could always see. He was fascinated from his self-confessed normal childhood with what lies beneath the world, and this film acts as an ode to his own obsession. Like the close up on the severed ear, the slow zooming to the underworld of insects beneath is a metaphor for the film as it takes you down to a depth you would never predict existed, or at least one that you may often overlook. Like all Lynch films, there are images that burn themselves into your mind and haunt you forever, with this one; it is every scene that involves Frank Booth played by Dennis Hopper. Booth is insane, high on his own dangerous sexual appetite (plus amyl nitrite) and a complete firework of a character; he elevates (or descends) the film and its innocence to the aforementioned depths of hell. The journey that Booth takes Kyle MacLachlan€™s Jeffrey Beaumont on is one that no viewer will see coming, one that is odd, scary and so far removed from the perfect world first half hour. The films voyeuristic qualities make it easy to follow, even if it is heavy on subtext. Start your journey with this one; it€™s a good mood setter for all things David Lynch and his most balanced film. It is a film that rewards the viewer with repeat viewings. Like all Lynch films, you see something different every time you watch, but with Blue Velvet it seems to change entire opinion. The first time you watch it, you are intrigued, the second you may detest it, the third, you may be in love again. For sheer depth, it has to be heralded as his best film. Also, you will never hear €˜Dreams€™ by Roy Orbison without a shiver playing like a xylophone down your spine again after watching this film. I mean honestly, what the hell is this about? The Severed Ear Scale of Madness: 4/5 Don't agree with the order? Have your say in the comment section below.

Shaun does not enjoy writing about himself in the third person. The rest? I will tell you in another life, when we are both cats...