DC Cinematic Universe: 5 Other Team-Ups Fans Want To See

1. Trinity

Trinity Trinity was a weekly, limited edition series that ran for 52 issues, beginning in June of 2008. The series featured DC's top three characters: Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman, and though a direct adaptation of the series probably won't happen (in live-action, anyway), a film featuring the three heroes together could be a phenomenal success if done properly. One of the biggest question that comes up when discussing a Justice League film is, "What about Wonder Woman?" She has had a particularly hard time making it to the big screen, after several script drafts were scrapped (including one from The Avengers director Joss Whedon) and a recently failed TV pilot. Another TV project was supposedly in the works over at the CW, tentatively titled Amazon, but word on that has been dropped in favor of a Flash TV series. There's no doubt that Wonder Woman is a bit of a tough nut to crack and though she's become an archetype to the general public, not many know exactly who she is, what her origin story is, what she can do, or why she's so popular. Most people seem to still think of her piloting an invisible airplane, and scoff at the idea of a serious film adaptation. However, she needs to be present if DC wants to move forward with a cinematic universe of their own, and she could headline the first ever female superhero film franchise. The folks over at Warner Bros have shown an incredible amount of trepidation when it comes to how to approach her character, so perhaps pairing her with their two biggest (and most popular) characters would be the best choice. The studio clearly doesn't know how to hand the character a film of her own (at this stage, anyway), but introducing her in the form of a three-way team-up could prove incredibly successful. The film could act as a sequel to Batman Vs Superman, and another stepping stone before jumping into a full on JLA movie. Wonder Woman has no problem fending for herself, so beating up Superman and Batman on screen may be a way for audiences to get to appreciate her a bit more. And that's it! 5 DC team-ups that could make for great films in their expanded cinematic universe. What team-ups would you like to see happen on screen? Let us know in the comments!

James is a 24 year old writer and filmmaker living in Portland, OR. He attended college for graphic design and writes for various sources on the web about film, television, and entertainment. You can view all of his work on his website, www.thereeljames.wordpress.com