DC Extended Universe: Predicting The Plots Of 10 Announced Movies
Forecasting how every confirmed DCEU movie will go down.
In a (probably futile) desperate bid to catch up with their eternal rivals Marvel, DC have put together a movie schedule for their expanded movie universe that goes all the way up to 2020. That's optimistic to say the least, as even Marvel haven't officially made plans that far ahead. And if DC's first few movies don't perform very well at the global box office they might even be forced to cancel some of the distant movies they've already pencilled in. For the record, the movies DC has planned are 2016's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad, 2017's Wonder Woman and Justice League Part One, 2018's The Flash and Aquaman, 2019's Shazam and Justice League Part two, and 2020's Cyborg and Green Lantern Corps. That's ten movies in total, which is pretty impressive, but undoubtedly very presumptuous for a franchise that has just one very underwhelming movie to its name to date in Man Of Steel. But given that the DC movie fanbase is very much of the "glass half full" type, we should assume that those movies will indeed all go ahead as planned. That means we will inevitably ponder exactly what will happen in them and how DC's wider world will be plotted out...