DC Movie Universe: 4 Ways Hawkman Could Be DC's Thor

1. The Curse Of Immortality

Hawkmanhawkgirl The greatest thing about Hawkman, by far, is his relationship with Hawkgirl. As I mentioned before, the characters have several versions of their origin story, one of which would make a great film adaptation. In the days of ancient Egypt, a prince named Khufu and his wife Chay-Ara are killed and cursed by their rival, a priest named Hath-Set. Khufu and Chay-Ara are destined to live forever, finding each other only to be killed and reincarnated again and again. The two have memories of their past lives and protect the world as Hawkman and Hawkgirl. The cost of immortality is something that's been touched upon in superhero films but never fully explored. The Wolverine involved an introspective look at Logan's immortality, and Thor: The Dark World had hints that Thor's immortality would one day mean he'd have to lose Jane. Grounding the obviously high-fantastical and potentially alien aspects of Hawkman's character in a love story would be the best move for the studio, giving the character an anchor that audiences could not only identify with but truly sympathise with. So, there are my four reasons why Hawkman could get his own film, and potentially be DC's Thor. Obviously I'm not saying that DC needs to copy Marvel, but am simply suggesting that they take a character with similar aspects who has found success and use that as inspiration. Hawkman may not be one of the most popular characters with modern audiences, but that doesn't mean he couldn't still win them over with a feature film (if adapted with care). What do you think of the list? Would you like to see a Hawkman movie? Let us know in the comments, and be sure to follow me on Twitter!
In this post: 
Thor Hawkman
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James is a 24 year old writer and filmmaker living in Portland, OR. He attended college for graphic design and writes for various sources on the web about film, television, and entertainment. You can view all of his work on his website, www.thereeljames.wordpress.com