DCEU: 10 Actors Who Should Play Nightwing

9. John Boyega

John Boyega Nightwing

Who says Dick Grayson has to look like a slightly more muscular Burt Ward? What matters most for the casting agents who book the newest addition to the DCEU is talent, and Star Wars rising star John Boyega evidently has a lot of that.

The Englishman might have a lot on his hands with two more Star Wars movies coming up and other performances aside from that, but if Warner Bros could get him to clear some space on his schedule, they'd be getting one of Britain's hottest prospects.

There's something in his wide-eyed side-kick optimism in Star Wars that could mesh well with the bad boy physical swagger he showed in breakthrough film Attack The Block and create a Nightwing who could balance Batman's cynicism, but also match his combat style.

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