DCEU: 10 Sneaky CGI Moments You Probably Didn’t Notice

7. Pretty Much All Of The Capitol Building - Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Wonder woman CG
Warner Bros. Pictures

During Zack Snyder's highly divisive follow-up to Man of Steel, Superman finds himself being questioned by Senator Finch over his battle against Zod in the aforementioned Metropolis massacring film.

However, with many fans likely just locked into the moment depicting the Last Son of Krypton's decision to take responsibility for his destructive way of getting the job done 18 months earlier, few probably spotted the fact that the building he was entering, and the area surrounding it, was largely green screened into existence.

Apart from the army of anti-Superman protestors and the large set of white steps leading into the building, pretty much everything else we see in this tense introduction to the scene, that will eventually see the Capitol building explode from the inside, has been digitally added.

It's not hard to see why Snyder and co. opted for the CGI approach, what with the previously noted eventual explosion that takes place shortly after, but its near-flawless execution in the finished product is enough to convince the average Joe that far less computer wizardry was at a play than first assumed.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...