DCEU: Shazam's TWO Post-Credits Scenes Explained

1. What Happens In Shazam's Mid-Credits Scene

Shazam Mark Strong Zachary Levi
DC Comics

Many fans were likely heavily surprised to have the much-hyped post-credits scene contain an evil talking bug. Yet, one of the most important parts of the credits - if not possibly one of the most important parts of the film - is the first post-credits scene, which involves the imprisoned Dr. Sivana being recruited (and mocked) by what appears to be a particularly large caterpillar.

But said caterpillar - made only slightly less ridiculous by his actual name, that of Mister Mind - is actually a crucial character in terms of the Shazam universe.

Mister Mind is one of Shazam's most long-term enemies, which is possibly given away by his unusual appearance. He's also an alien with telepathic powers - and, at one point, a kill count of 186,744 people - which makes a caterpillar suddenly much, much more intimidating than it has any right to be.

Importantly, Mister Mind's lines in this scene also have some strong implications for what the future of DC films holds. Mind talks about taking over the Seven Realms - which are known better in the comics as 'Magiclands', of which Earth is only one. The others actually appear to be featured briefly much earlier, as when Billy's family attempt to escape the Rock of Eternity they stumble upon a series of doors that open to bizarre scenarios that mirror the Magiclands themselves - for example, the three crocodiles in suits appear to belong to the 'Wildlands', which is populated by anthropomorphic animals. These hints suggest heavily that a future film will definitely feature the Magiclands, which should prove to be a particularly exciting setting for a future film.

Shazam Mark Strong Zachary Levi
Warner Bros.

Mister Mind is also the ring leader behind one of DC's first 'established' supervillain teams - in that it contained a villain the hero had seen before, instead of a random collection of bad guys. Dr. Sivana notably also featured on this team, known as the 'Monster Society of Evil', which means there's a very good chance that we will see this group of ne'er-do-wells brought together in a film further down the line. The team did at one point also contain Black Adam - Shazam's comic arch-nemesis - so this may prove an effective way to have him appear, without shoehorning him into a future film.

That said, this team also includes the likes of the subtly named 'Captain Nazi', and literal historical figure Benito Mussolini - so there's a chance that the original squad will see some revisions for a modern film adaption. Either way, Mister Mind's appearance - confusing as it will have been to some - opens a phenomenal amount of doors in regards to what will feature in a Shazam sequel.

DC Quiz: How Well Do You Know Shazam!?

Shazam Thumbs Up
DC Comics

1. Shazam Used To Go By What Name?


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