Deadpool 2: 10 Things That Make No Sense
That's just lazy writing.

Deadpool operates in a unique corner of the X-Men universe so far removed from reality that characters can exist in comic books but still tear you clean in half. Nothing really makes sense in the Merc with a Mouth's world, but it's easy to let that slide when Wade Wilson acknowledges the inconsistencies with a fourth-wall smashing quip.
The recent sequel, Deadpool 2, lived up to the hype and then some, but that doesn't mean everything about the movie worked. Even in a film as tongue-in-cheek as this, there are plotholes that no amount of dialogue about "lazy writing" can fix.
The film's emotional core makes these issues harder to ignore. It doesn't always play for laughs as Wilson experiences loss, discovers the true meaning of a certain F word, and proves he's the hero the world needs during the course of the story.
There are times when Deadpool 2 wants you to take it seriously and buy into the messages it conveys. These moments make it difficult to turn a blind eye to the stuff that makes no sense whatsoever, even in the merc's madcap reality.
10. Deadpool's Healing Factor

Deadpool is incredibly difficult to kill due to his healing factor, and the movie firmly establishes that with two scenes in which he regrows severed limbs. In the first of them, the masked mutant actually manages to reassemble himself like a crash test dummy after an explosive suicide attempt leaves him in multiple pieces.
The second time this power comes into play is after the Juggernaut has torn Wade Wilson clean in half. He's forced to regrow his body from the waist down. The results are hilarious and disturbing in equal measure, but they came with the consequence of rendering Deadpool's healing factor inconsistent throughout the story.
If Wilson is capable of reattaching all of his severed limbs, why did he need to respawn his legs from scratch? Wouldn't it have been easier and quicker to simply reconnect his bottom portion and spare everyone the Basic Instinct re-enactment?