Deadpool 2: 102 Easter Eggs, Gags & References Explained

48. Cool Runnings & The Human Centipede

Cool Runnings
Buena Vista Pictures

After Wade abandons Russell, he says in voiceover that in every movie there's a point where the hero realises they've hit rock bottom. He then brings in a couple of examples: in Cool Runnings, it's when John Candy realises his bobsleigh is broken. In The Human Centipede it's when the actors involved realise they signed on for that movie.

47. The Juggernaut

Marvel Juggernaut
Marvel Comics

As is hinted in the prison, the "monster" who lives in the basement is, in fact, The Juggernaut, the unstoppable hulking figure who's basically a one-man army.

When he eventually meets him, Deadpool mentions all of his best comics including Thor 411, Unlimited X-Men 12 before he beats him down.

The big guy also mentions that he's Xavier's brother at one point, changing up what we know of Professor X so far, but taking a lead from the comics.

46. The Wolverine Cereal

Logan Wolverine Xmen Comic

During the fight with Cable, Deadpool is punched through a window into an apartment, where there's a child eating cereal. He dusts himself off and picks up the cereal packet, signing it. When he puts it back down, it's revealed that the box has a picture of Hugh Jackman's Wolverine from X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Obviously, everyone in this universe is as fond of Logan as Wade pretends he isn't. He signs the box "Ryan Reynolds," of course.


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