Deadpool 2: 102 Easter Eggs, Gags & References Explained

21. The Proposition And Full Metal Jacket

The Proposition Guy Pearce John Hurt
First Look Films

Weirdly, during the Basic Instinct sequence, the other characters take the opportunity to throw their own movie references in, including a reference to "sucky sucky" from Full Metal Jacket and Dopinder shouting that The Proposition "Has a great performance by Guy Pierce."

It's weird but it's not untrue.

20. Say Anything

Deadpool 2 Say Anything

When Deadpool realises he needs help, he goes to the X-Mansion to ask Colossus for help and relives the scene from Say Anything with the speaker held above his head to get the big mutant's attention.

19. Alpha Flight

Alpha Flight
Marvel Comics

On the top of Dopinder's cab, there's an advertisement for Alpha FLight, otherwise known as Canadia's premium superhero team. That much was revealed before the film's release.


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