Deadpool 2: 12 Rumours That Were Utter Bull

10. Black Tom Cassidy Is The Main Villain

Black Tom Cassidy
Marvel Comics

The Rumour: It was revealed a long time ahead of the movie's release that Black Tom Cassidy (Jack Kesy) would appear, and without the marketing indicating the presence of any other significant antagonist, it seemed most likely that he would end up being the primary villain.

The Truth: Amusingly, Cassidy has just a cameo role in the final film, though word suggests he originally had a larger part that was trimmed down. The movie actually doesn't feature one single, unambiguous antagonist, but rather trains its focus on the abuse-riddled orphanage which turns Russell (Julian Dennison) into a murderous psychopath.

Cassidy, meanwhile, briefly shows his face at the Icebox before being accidentally shot in the face during the convoy assault. He was basically just there to set up the recurring gag about Cable being "racist".

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.