Deadpool 2: 8 Lessons It Must Learn From The Original Film

6. A More Interesting/Less Formulaic Plot

It's almost as if Deadpool tried to hide the fact that it had an insanely formulaic plot in and amongst a non-linear narrative, in which the entire story was told in a sort of flashback. Thing is, despite this attempt to conceal the film's weakest aspect, the generic nature of the story still seeped through - nothing about the plot itself felt fresh or original. It was like a hodgepodge of superhero movie tropes thrown into a blender: even though it was presented in a kooky way, the ingredients were the same as any random Marvel film. To say that Deadpool's plot was "bland," then, would be pretty spot on. Which is shame, given that Deadpool - both as series and as a character - is anything but bland, right? The film just reprised the well-trodden beats of the classic origin story, albeit with more jokes. Deadpool 2's story really shouldn't feel like something that audiences have seen before, then; if the writers want to be really smart, they could have Deadpool say something like: "Yeah, yeah, we know the story wasn't quite up to scratch in the first movie, but check this out!" You know, to both address the problem head-on, before committing to a sequel plot that feels unconventional and boundary-pushing; one that takes proper risks.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.