Deadpool 2: Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

11. The Headmaster

Deadpool 2 Eddie Marsan

The X-Men movie franchise wouldn't be what it is today without two things: the civil rights allegory that underpinned the original trilogy and the zealous human villains who hate mutants and what they represent. And Deadpool introduces another of those villains in the shape of Eddie Marsan's THe Headmaster.

As the head of the Essex House school for mutant rehabilitation, he's a monster emboldened by his religious convictions and belief that mutants are an abomination. And while we only see flashes of his evil (through Russell's memory), there's no doubting that he's thoroughly detestable as a character.

Marsan's accent is also a lot better than it has been in other productions where he's been asked to go American too, so that's a bonus.

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Deadpool 2
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