Deadpool 2: Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

19. Negasonic Teenage Warhead

Negasonic Teenage Warhead Deadpool 2

After having a fairly big role in the first film, Deadpool's favourite grumpy teenager is essentially relegated to being an extra alongside her new girlfriend. With Colossus playing a more significant role, it appears there simply wasn't enough space for her to get a real story, so she pops up every now and then to scowl and generally dislike Deadpool.

It's a real shame, given how annoyed Deadpool is about not getting more X-Men characters to play with, but the introduction of so many new characters seems to have simply pushed her out of relevance. Still, she's just as appealing as one of the only characters to stand up to Deadpool and see his shtick for what it is - but having Cable as the straight man seems also to have stepped on her toes a little.

More of her in the sequel, please.

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Deadpool 2
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