Deadpool 2: Every Death Ranked Worst To Best

10. Cable's Family

Deadpool 2 Cable Bear

Cause of Death: Incinerated.

The crux of Cable's backstory revolves around the murder of his wife and daughter at the hands of an adult Russell aka Firefist (Julian Dennison), who after getting his first taste of murder with the orphanage's headmaster, becomes a blood-thirsty criminal in the future.

Cable carries around a charred teddy bear for the majority of the movie as a reminder of his "failure" to protect his family, and though there's not much depth or originality to this motivation, it delivers the basic goods all the same.

The flashback where we witness Cable's family burned alive is suitably horrifying, and as such there's a good deal of relief when it's undone at the end of the movie after Russell realises the error of his ways. The bear is clean once again, and Cable's job is done.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.