Deadpool 2 Final Trailer Reactions: 8 Ups & 2 Downs
2. The Effects Are A Mixed Bag
While it's important to remember that Deadpool 2's budget is reportedly not much larger than the original's $58 million price tag, it's still a bit of a shame that the quality of the CGI is, well, pretty much all over the place.
In fairness, some of the digitally-assisted action does look crisp and clean, but generally whenever there's a lot of chaos on the screen at once, it devolves into a blurry mess.
Take, for instance, almost all of the CGI explosions in the trailer, where rubble or other objects are thrown towards the screen: it really looks quite hideous at times.
Perhaps most egregious is that CGI glimpse of Cable (Josh Brolin) being flung towards the screen by an explosion. It looks like something out of a video game, but at least with this being Deadpool, there's a good chance they'll crack a joke about the VFX budget not being big enough...