Deadpool 2 Trailer 3 Reactions: 8 Ups & 3 Downs

2. It Shows The Frustrations Of The Marketing Campaign

Deadpool Bob Ross

There's a lot to admire about the marketing campaign for Deadpool 2 - in many way, its irreverence has mirrored Deadpool's spirit as a character and there's some real joy in seeing him pretending to be Bob Ross or crashing his own trailer to mess about with action figures. So too is there in the "official" nonsense synopsis that gives precisely none of the plot away... at least in the short-term.

Unfortunately, while staunch 'Pool fans will be delighted by all of the playfulness, mainstream audiences won't be (and Fox need them to be given that they shifted the film into a more traditional blockbuster slot). So the fact that they went for silliness over revealing at least THREE key cast members (one of whom - Terry Crews - was shown off in the first trailer, as well as the two new guys here) and any sort of story at all until this trailer has to be viewed as something of a mistake.

Having to do that in a third trailer - which ought to be no more than the cherry on top of the cake by this point - is indication that this may not have been the best approach for actually selling tickets.

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