Deadpool 2 Trailer: Everything You Missed

8. ...Twice?

Infinity Poster

It seems that Deadpool may get incarcerated twice in the same movie, as this locale looks incredibly distinct from the aforementioned DMC jail, and with its creepy posters promoting "Purify. Humanity. Infinity", seems to be the base of some sort of cult, church, or most likely, both.

What better reason for Domino to attack it than Wade getting recaptured, albeit for a much briefer beat? This presumably leads to 'Pool getting tortured, sliced in half - hence the duct tape - and then eventually reforming himself and smashing faces up with a brick.

This could very well be the movie's climactic action sequence, because it certainly looks like it doesn't want for insane action.

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Deadpool 2
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.