Deadpool Trailer 2 Breakdown: 40 Things You Need To See

16. Right Up Main Street

Seriously, he shot him up the ass.
And never, ever let a hero lie on the ground motionless without pumping him full of bullets, because this happens. The trailer follows its predecessor by inviting us all to drool over the slowed down, gory shots of people being shot in the forehead...
Director Miller addressed the point of goriness:
"Just on the note of 'gory', I€™m not a fan of gratuitous gore. I think it€™s appropriate, so we did more than I think the studio was comfortable with, even for an R, but I don€™t think it€™s going to really ruin the movie for people that are uncomfortable with it. Maybe a little bit if you have a low tolerance."
And here€™s what watching that sort of resurrection does to the faces of the henchmen standing around€

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