The conterversial movie
Death of a President which depicts the possible future assassination of American President
George Bush has been banned by two major cinema chains in the states. The documentary/drama film which opens on October 27th will be banned from showing in Regal Entertainement Group cinema's and Cinemark USA. This works out at nearly 10,000 screens in the U.S. which have so far annouced plans to boycott the movie. Dick Westerling of Regal Entertainment Group said this of the movie...
"We do not feel it is appropriate to portray the future assassination of a president, therefore we do not intend to program this film at any of our cinemas," Sounds to me like the cinema chains have gone way over board with this, ITS JUST A MOVIE. I mean yes, it does seem to be somewhat exploitational but still it's only a work of fiction in the end. The movie is to be shown on the More4 channel in the UK tommorow night, so expect a review from me on Tuesday sometime. source -
hollywood reporter,
cinema blend