Diablo movie COULD be in development?

diablo-comic-large.jpgOh yes it's a slow news day today, this is one of the loosest rumors ever... The 1996 video game Diablo is now listed on Legendary Pictures website in the section "Under Development" which would hint that previous rumors of the studio planning on bringing the game to the big screen could be true.
Set in the fictional Kingdom of Khanduras, "Diablo" has the player take control of a lone hero as he or she battles to rid the town of Tristram of the titular Lord of Terror and his demon minions.
I know of the game and I like the sound of it but I have never actually played it myself. Apparently it has monsters, skeletons, warriors, sorcerer's, legendary warriors and virtually every creature you could think of. Movies like this always promise the world but then never deliver nothing but at this point it's far from set in stone that it's actually going to get made. source - coming soon

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.