Disney: 14 Most Devastating Deaths - Ranked

6. Cinderella's Parents - Cinderella

The 2015 live action version of Cinderella was a truly beautiful rendition of the classic fairytale, but it was also very difficult to watch in some scenes, particularly during the death of Cinderella's mother and the news of her father's demise. When Ella's mother passes away leaving her with the important message of recognising that 'kindness is magic', Ella takes comfort in the fact that she still has her father. As her father often worked away, Ella asks him for a tree branch to bring back to her while her step sisters ask for materialistic items. The news of Ella's father passing is brought to her through his friend who brings her the tree branch her father picked out. Now, not only has Ella lost her parents, she now has to endure a life of solitude at the hands of her wicked step mother and step sisters who create a paradigm shift, treating Ella as a servant instead of an equal. Everything that Ella had ever known is gone, including the staff who previously worked in the household, as well as her father and mother's possessions. Ella has nothing left, except her kindness.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com