Disney To Announce TRON Threequel...
Despite not exactly setting the box office alight, Tron Legacy has nonetheless maintained steady business and crept its way up to a worldwide tally of $300million, compared to its $170million budget and taking into account the sales of all the related merchandise; from Daft Punks bafflingly popular soundtrack to Tron shoes(!?), and baring in mind the expected additional revenues from DVD and Blu-Ray sales, its no surprise that Disney are probably on the cusp of announcing a third instalment of their now potential franchise, as Aint It Cool reports: Disney will be keeping Tron in the zeitgeist with a computer animated TV show which undoubtedly will pale in comparison to the legendary cult show set within a computer; Reboot. And Walt Disneys Imagineering wing is developing a Tron Experience that will open in Disneylands Tomorrowland sometime in 2012. Despite my, not so much hatred but bemused boredom at the latest Tron film, there has been a large positive response to the universe's return and Im sure many people will be more than happy to re-enter the Grid. I think theyd really have to dazzle me on the plot points in order to convince me to venture back, and, of course, would we see the return of Jeff Bridges? Also...